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 The Next Level is waiting on YOU!



You SHIFT Here

It’s time to see yourself clearly! To be aligned with God, and receive His absolute BEST for YOUR life will take your intention. Building a firm foundation of faith to stand on, clearing out the debris of the past, and establishing a clear vision for your life are essential.

Let me be your guide to become the woman who confidently shifts her life from surviving to thriving with LIT Coaching.

“Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.”

-Galatians 6:4-5

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When you connect to any Lit services you officially join a safe space where faith and growth reside! Here you will be empowered to come out of isolation, and get the support you need in order to thrive. Subscribe to our Newsletter to stay connected.

Are you an organization or a service provided aligned with our mission? WE love to collaborate! Visit our contact page and let us know how we can potentially partner with or serve your community!

LIT membership includes:

Monthly Modules

There are a total of 3 modules that members will complete together during the 3 month process. Each module is rooted in biblical principles that serve as building blocks, supporting members in creating strategies to execute their goals.

Bi-weekly group coaching

Members connect twice a week via zoom for group coaching sessions. During this time, members check in on their progress, and work out any concerns, or barriers to their growth process, ensuring they stay on track with their goals!


Assigned purpose partner

Nobody is getting left behind in this space! In addition to the group coaching, members will be paired with one another for an additional level of accountability.

Journal exercises

Membership includes downloadable journal prompts that pair with Monthly modules, as well as weekly assignments, videos, and recordings to keep each member organized and supported.

Investing in membership also includes: Access to private online
community during the program.

Get Ready For Your SHIFT!

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The SHIFT Coaching Cohort includes 3 months of principle based group coaching, access to private online community, and guided curriculum supporting your SHIFT into your next best version! The program functions as a cohort, and is intended to support members in launching their personal goals. This private online community journeys through a guided process of goal setting each month. The intention is that after the 3 month period members will have gained clarity, strategies for their growth ,confidence that empowers their success, as well as a connection of like minded community supporting them along the way.  

Membership Price: $1000
Split price two payments of $500 or three installments of $360
