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 My lightbulb moment

The little life nudge that made a BIG difference


You’d think it would be the big moments in life that force you to reckon with yourself, but that’s not always the case. At least that isn’t how it happened for me....and I’ve had a lot of what one would consider BIG life moments.

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I've discovered that in order to succeed in life, it takes God, grit,guts, and a vision. Developing these skills has lead to me publishing my first book, purchasing a home, graduating from college with a bachelors in social work, becoming a certified life coach, and securing a career within the federal government. My experience has shown me that success needs a strategy. There will be a period in all of our lives where we need help navigating life and transitions.

My name is Tiffanya Richardson, the Growth and Accountability coach teaching you how to Shift in life! The work I do has been deeply inspired by a number of challenges I've experienced throughout my life.

The first time I got knocked down as a young adult was as a college student in New Orleans. When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, the home I’d built away from home was destroyed, and I returned to California mourning the loss of the vision I had for my life.

I was forging a path for myself at a four-year college and once that ended, I was left with no structure and felt stuck and unmotivated. There lies the greatest pitfall for one's maturation to success. A lack of vision, identity, and strategy for living, is a huge reason why so many of us tend to drift. My drift led to me dropping out of college, getting into relationships that ended in grief & loss, becoming a single mother, navigating the welfare system, and working entry level jobs that could never make ends meet.

I lost the high value that I had once held for my life, but my daughter was the reason I  felt more desperate than ever to start making positive changes for us both. Although I grew up in church, I began to grow in faith. I needed Jesus! I was desperate for His love, and for change. I needed to believe that Jesus had a beautiful plan for my life, but without the support and space to process my grief and confusion, I still felt stuck. My life was a mess, and I couldn’t articulate the steps I needed to take in order to clean it up.

In 2010 I received a call from my former college roommate at Xavier. She was pursuing a Master's degree and as she listened to where I was, and how I was feeling stuck, she encouraged me to pursue my education again. Her genuine care for me and my path flipped a switch on for me. I no longer thought of myself as a woman without options and because of that, my life and my daughters’ life became more beautiful and whole.

My life experience has led me to serve within my local church, several faith communities and non profits, and eventually led to the creation of the LIT community. 

An empowered woman is simply a woman who makes a decision to let her faith be bigger than her fear.

It is my honor to serve you on this portion of your journey!
Love and Light from your LIT Founder,

Tiffanya Nichole Richardson.


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It was during this part of my life that I became pregnant with my daughter and felt more desperate than ever to start making positive changes for both of us. I still had faith that God had a beautiful plan for my life but without the support and the space to process my grief and confusion, I still felt stuck. My life felt like I mess and I couldn’t articulate the steps I needed to take in order to clean it up.But through the grace of God, I did clean it up. Through blood, sweat, and tears, I cleaned it up; and
it all started with a small kindness. I received a call from a former roommate. She was pursuing a Master's degree and as she listened to where I was at and how I was feeling stuck, she encouraged me to pursue education again as well. Her genuine care for me and my path flipped a switch for me. Of course, she couldn’t
do any of the hard work for me. I had to find the time, the money, the childcare
for my daughter, and I had to be the one to see it through. It’s not as if my life just got easier after that conversation. It didn’t. But it absolutely got better. It was my lightbulb moment. I no longer thought of myself as a woman without options and because of that, my life and my daughters’ life became more beautiful and whole.

An empowered woman is simply a woman who made a decision to let her faith be bigger than her fear.

You can start today.
Love and Light from you LIT Founder,

Tiffanya Richardson.

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Here are just a few things I would have missed out on without my lightbulb moment

◦ Deepening my relationship with Jesus

◦ Writing a book inspired by my life journey. (Trinity Jones the Queen of the Ghetto available in the LIT shop)

◦ Buying my first home for my daughter and me

◦ Going to therapy and deciding to become a life coach
Are you someone with ideas, but lack the support needed to actually implement them? Check out my latest offer! This Pilot offer is ideal for someone needing support in clarifying their offer. Work alongside myself, and a copy writer to bring your idea to life!
