Welcome to the LIT Community! Please take the time to read and understand these Membership terms and conditions (Membership Terms). They govern your use of the LIT Community coaching service (Site) as a member. In these Membership Terms, Content means all the content available on the Site including tutorials, courses, videos, downloads, sample files and user forum content.


The relationship between Coach and Community is collaborative, meaning both are equals in the coaching process. The first step in the collaboration process is the monthly content & activities designed to clarify personal, professional or business goals. Next, the strategy includes accountability check ins with LP (Lit Partner). Then the bi-weekly group coaching calls, members will meet Coach Tiffanya to discuss the assignments and go over points of focus for the month.

Responsibilities of Coach:

  • Coach agrees to maintain ethics and standards of behavior that demonstrate respect, professionalism, and confidentiality.

  • Coach is trained to utilize heightened communication skills; meaningful questions and deliberate listening skills to support the client as a thinking partner.

  • Coach is intuitive and will guide the coaching sessions as the needs are communicated from client. Communication from Client may be written, verbal or non-verbal.

  • Coach is not a therapist or counselor. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, if needed.

Responsibilities of Members:

  • Member participates in the Session Agenda(s) and is fully present during coaching sessions.

  • Members takes ownership of his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results.

  • Members will communicate with integrity, be open to Honest Encouragement and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.

  • Member accepts the fact that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters

  • Member understands that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Member understands that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment. If Member is currently in therapy or under the care of a mental health professional, member will consult with the mental health care provider regarding the advisability and/or decision of working with a coach.


  • This coaching relationship, as well as all information that the member shares with the Coach, and in the community, is bound to confidentiality by the ICF Code of Ethics but is not considered a legally confidential relationship. The Coach will not disclose the Member’s name as a reference without the Member’s consent. Confidential information does not include information that:

    • (a) was in the Coach’s possession prior to its being furnished by the Member.

    • (b) is generally known to the public or in the Member’s industry.

    • (c) that the Coach is required by law to disclose

LIT Membership includes:

  • 6 months of Group coaching

  • Assigned Accountability Partner (LP)

  • Access to all community content for the year

  • Bi-weekly Group coaching calls

Schedule & Fees:

This coaching agreement is valid at time of membership. The parties agree to engage in a 6-month Coaching Program. The fee is $360.00 paid annually with the option to pay $180 at the beginning of the program, and $180 at the start of the second half of the program, based upon committed schedule. Payment is due before given access to the community. (These fees may be tax deductible as a business expense, please check with your tax advisor). Upon enrollment, there will be initial welcome calls to all members that will be from 15 to 30 minutes. These calls will be the opportunity to be introduced to coach Tiffanya, and the information used will be used to pair the accountability partners in the community. The biweekly calls will be roughly an 1 hour 45 minutes. Coach Tiffanya will be available to members by e-mail in between scheduled meetings as defined by the Coach. Coach may also be available for additional time, per client’s request on a prorate basis rate of $50.00 per hour (for reviewing documents, reading or writing reports, engaging in other member related services outside of coaching hours).

Policies & Procedures:

  • The time of the coaching calls will be determined by Coach and members based on a mutually agreed upon time.

  • Prior to each session, Members will determine the specific questions and agendas. Members emails Coach the agenda and any background information needed 24 hours prior to each session.

  • Attend all sessions promptly and with an intention to be centered, ready to engage and take meaningful actions.

  • Feedback is necessary for both Coach and members. It is critical to be open with thoughts, feelings and preferences before during and after coaching sessions.

  • The community will operate essentially as a cohort for the duration of the 6 months, so members are expected to be engaged and respectful within community.

Cancellation Policy:

  • This program is non refundable.


Either the Client or the Coach may terminate this agreement at any time with written notice, however be advised, there will be no refunds after enrollment.

Refund Policy:

  • After the Coaching program has begun, any unused sessions will not be refunded.

  • All unused sessions or unattended sessions are the members liability. There will be no refunds based on members lack of participation.


  • This is the entire agreement of the parties, and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.

1. Payment Plan Agreement 


Applies to memberships where payments are made every month during the duration of the membership term.

There is currently no monthly payment option at this time.


You agree to pay the membership fees in full for access to the training site for a period of 1 year.

2. Membership

If you are under 18 years, you need your parents’ permission before becoming a member and accessing the Site.

Your Membership is non-transferable. You must not share your username and password with anyone else or allow anyone else to access the Site using your username and password.

You are responsible for every use of the Site that occurs in conjunction with use of your username and password. You must use reasonable efforts to keep your username and password confidential. You must notify us as soon as you become aware of any unauthorized use of your membership, username or password.

3. Availability and Use of the Site

The Site will usually be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We may, however, need to interrupt or suspend your access to the Site or the provision of the Site’s services and Content, for maintenance, technical or other reasons.

When accessing and using the Site and its services and Content, you must comply with directions, instructions or protocols posted on the Site.

4. Rights to Content; intellectual property

Each item of Content is copyright of its author. We own any LIT Community contributed Content, and all other rights in the Site including its design, compilation and look and feel.

Your membership gives you a right (a revocable, non-exclusive license) to use the Content for personal purposes. You must not redistribute Content (such as tutorials, eBooks, videos, courses and source files). Any project files, spreadsheets or other assets associated with Content are included to demonstrate the course or tutorial. You may use, modify and manipulate files for your own personal educational purposes, but you must not otherwise exploit the files and the assets in them, or redistribute the files or assets. If you love the Content, please ask your friends to become members too!

You may freely use the procedures and techniques demonstrated in the Content (that is, the knowledge you gain) for any commercial or personal purpose.

The trademarks and logos displayed on the Site are, unless otherwise stated, those of LIT Productions LLC and others, and you must not use these without the approval of the relevant owner.

5. Fair use and prohibited conduct

You are permitted to download Content to your computer as part of your membership. But your membership is subject to a ‘fair use’ policy. Our ‘fair use’ policy requires that your use of the Site and the Content must be fair, genuine and reasonable. For example, the total amount of Content you download must be reasonable in light of your genuine education and learning needs, and the time needed to genuinely engage with the Content. We will use our reasonable discretion to decide whether a member has complied with the ‘fair use’ policy.

You must not use scripts to automatically mass download Content.

You also must not:

a. use a false email address, impersonate others, or misrepresent your affiliation with others;
b. insert advertising, branding or other promotional content into the Site or Content;
c. attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or materials through the Site;
d. engage in automatic gathering of information from or through the Site (such as “spidering”, “screen scraping”, “database scraping” or harvesting of e-mail addresses);
e. attempt to interrupt or alter the Site’s operation in any way (for example through sending mass unsolicited messages, “flooding” servers, or introducing a virus, time bomb, trojan horse, worm, cancelbot or other computer routine );
f. use the Site or the Content in a way that violates applicable law, that violates third party intellectual property or other rights, or that is, fraudulent, obscene, offensive, or defamatory; or
g. except as allowed in these Membership Terms, copy, distribute, transmit, modify or otherwise exploit the Content or any other data or code made available through the Site.

6. Intellectual property complaints

We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that you do the same.

Please contact us if you believe that your intellectual property or other rights are being affected by anything on the Site.

7. Forum and community rules

We reserve the right, but are not obliged, to monitor all matter posted to the Site. We are not responsible or liable for material posted by others. We do, however, reserve the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove matter that in our discretion is objectionable or in violation of these Membership Terms, our policies or applicable law.

You must not upload or post any materials that:

a. restricts or inhibit others’ use or enjoyment of the Site;
b. are false, misleading, fraudulent, unlawful, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or offensive;
c. infringe others’ rights, including privacy or intellectual property rights;
d. disclose personal information about others, particularly sensitive information;
e. contain a virus, spyware, or other harmful component; or
f. contain commercial solicitation or ‘spam’ of any kind.

8. Privacy

Personal information that you disclose may be used by LIT Productions LLC, its agents and contractors in relation to your membership and the Site, including marketing activities for the Site.

We may disclose any personal information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or government request.

9. Refusal, suspension or termination of membership

We may, in our discretion, immediately restrict, suspend or terminate your membership and access to the Site if we consider you in breach of these Membership Terms, any other Site rules, or applicable law.

We reserve the right to refuse membership in our discretion (examples include previous breaches of membership terms on any of our websites.

10. Changes to Membership Terms

We may change these Membership Terms from time to time, but we will notify members before doing so.